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| Just got back from the game, disappointed is an understatement, I like many have had a huge dose of false hope during the Easter period up until tonight. We may have just turned a corner...., certainly a small corner, as we are taking steps back now.
I cannot help but notice how lethargic we are are times with the ball in hand, our defense I cannot question, O.K fair enough we are still shipping points in, and yes you shouldn't have to defend if you can attack, that's the normal saying, but in all honesty, we have soaked pressure up, the problem, infact the major problem in the key area for me is the ability to turn that defense into attack.
Injuries can no longer be an excuse we have had that for to many seasons now, look at Leeds, Saints etc, the injuries they have, but they have something we don't, THATS PRIDE and PASSION! If some of these players (I can name a few today) don't want to put a shift in for the badge on their chest, then for me they can F OFF.
We do need a change, but it's pinpointing the exact problem. It's like past seasons, no matter what coach we had, or new set of players, we always gave penalties (cheap ones aswell) for no reason, it's the same now, we always give away the ball, or self destruct, do one good thing, 2 bad things. That will not win us games! O.K maybe against the likes of Salford, Crusaders etc (no disrespect) but against teams that are physically, and technically better than us or on par (or like rovers physiologically stronger) it's not good enough, and we are not going to progress.
I think the main problem lies higher up (board room level). - and WE certainly need new coaching staff.
Next topic is Longy, sorry but he needs to go, to injury prone, why oh why do we sign these type of players? Was it only the deluded RICHARD AGAR and Rule that could not get the hint of why Saints only offered him a 1 year extension? oh but no, so we go and offer him a 2 year deal!
I think we go for all these has beens, for the image of the club, the board don't give a F about us (the fans) they consistently fail to see what us fans see, so long as we buy their shirts and other merchandise, and pay for season passes, tickets etc, they won't do nothing.
This season I fear is a season where we have to bite out teeth once again, wait until the end of the season and if there's no change, don't renew, that's the only way to get rid of Agar. But ideally I just don't want agar out, i want a change at all levels, right through from youth to the coaches, fitness staff etc.
To conclude this post, I would like to be totally honest and say that some of the Hull F.C fans today at the game was deluded as hell, arguing with the dobbins fans in the well section of the west stand, let's face it we are not a GRADE A Superleague team, our facilities maybe, but as for playing rugby league I would give it a D for DULL.
We all love our team of course, but only kidding/lieing to ourselves won't help. We are not a big team, top 4, or even a regular top 6 side.
As for todays game, (my dad phoned me up) and said Humberside are making it out to be a cracker. Well I must have been at a different game today! Todays game was 2 average teams (with one team being Hull F.C whom is much stronger on paper) against Hull KR another average side with first team regulars missing. It was a defensive game, with teams capitalizing on each others errors, hardly a spectacle!
Anyhow -I may have or may have not peed a few fellow fans off with this post, but i'll always say what I feel, and speak the truth.
Time to do something much more rewarding than watching the Richard Agar BLOW , spending time with my kids!
I must not forget, Hull KR won it because they wanted it more than us, they always do, every derby, just once in a blue moon Hull F.C show up, hence why we have won only a couple of derbys.
Dobbo Hull
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| Quote Sebasteeno="Sebasteeno"Nobody gives a flying one what you say Dobbo. A win next week and youll be back on the bandwagon. You are the most fickle fan on here, now do one and leave the posting to fans who stand by their conviction and dont change their mind every week.'"
As I said, i'll say what I feel and what's the truth, I'm a hull F.C fan, like you, as for the bandwagon, I said a few weeks back, if the teams winning ill support them, if the team is loosing i'll support them, I even said that nothing will change my mind on agar, I have always wanted him gone.
It's also a forum, a place for debate, your off topic, don't be getting a warning now, the topic is rugby league, not me suppose to being fickle "stop trouble causing".