Quote billybradshawsmum="billybradshawsmum"need ideas, suggestions for fundraising '"
Fundraising will take time so think we need emergency funding in the immediate.
( I am using computers in libraries and the country,despite it's austerity measures,has discovered lots of instant christians on a 2 weeks holiday )
At the meeting on Monday - 'heart of gold' and 'rabbit out of a hat' flickered through my brain.
Small(ish) soccer clubs have been owned by Gold who made his millions through pornography.
I don't have time to moralise at the moment.
His daughter Jacqeline Gold is [url=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jacqueline_Goldvery rich[/url and no doubt competitive.Would she be prepared to take on a sports club? She will know Karen Brady who was chief executive at BirminghamCity FC and joined that club with her father.
We need to use the female angle.Can
Cavendish Street compose an email or contact her ? The good thing is Gold knows Claire Balding,who is sapphic like
Cavendish/Louise,and who not only has positive things to say about rugby league will have contact with Robbie Hunter Paul - haven't read his book;hope he is positive about Salford and Ian Millward - believe his father was a director/involved in financing a club in Australia.
The MEN piece you did,I considered circumspect,concise and crucial and I think will need to be used when contacting Gold.[url=http://menmedia.co.uk/manchestereveningnews/sport/rugby_league/s/1596583_fanfare-to-save-salford-reds-from-doomHere[/url
Long shot I know but deperate times call for desperate measures.
Play on the female side of good housekeeping - Don't mention Kath Hetherington just that men keep taking rugby league clubs into admin.
Please research -everything - before submission.Go for it.........can only be turned down !
That's my time gone.I'll be there Thursday.