Quote handrags="handrags"unfortunately we live in an age where athletes deem it necessary to cheat at times. Now cheating comes in many forms ! example , drug abuse, biting on blood capsules, faining injury etc.! And while deliberately conning the ref to extract a unwarranted penalty is not as bad as those above, I still think that Tompkins antics of late do try to get an advantage by cheating, Its not nice! the fans dont want it ! and we dont want it to creep into our sport, so come on Wigan stop the little man doing it, and lets get back to playing in the game in the spirit the rules where meant to be played'"
Surely it's only cheating if it's against the rules, which it isn't? It is the tackler's responsibility to remove his arm from that position. If the tackler can't do that then he shouldn't have put his arm there in the first place.
Your complaint about "conning the ref" is completely untrue. The referee knows exactly what is going on, but since it's not against the rules what can he do?
Under the current rules Sam Tomkins has every right to do what he is doing, and of course it is rather successful so he's not likely to change. And of course the referees cannot do anything about it but penalise the tackler. Blaming Sam Tomkins by calling him a cheat is ridiculous.
I do understand that the hatred of Sam Tomkins by other teams' fans such as yourselves is largely down to his arrogance (required in a good half-back), and his high ability (that's why we Wiganers hate Keiron Cunningham so much!). That explains the majority of posts in this thread (and the majority of those on Leeds' board)!
I wouldn't necessarily be against changing those rules for next season, but it would then make it the referee's job to decide whether the tackler is deliberately leaving his arm there and pretending not to be able to extract it, and that may cause a lot more problems than the current situation.