Quote Gotcha="Gotcha"Why do you need a graduate Sal? only asking as plenty of youngsters looking for that sort of opportunity who could do just the same job..'"
Because it seems to be the minimum requirement nowadays?
People say that the students get brainwashed into thinking they will lead so much improved prosperous lives with 3 years of getting drunk under there belt, but at the same time, employers are now wanting graduates for every mundane job. Hence now why the young ones coming through feel they have to go to university, or it's shelf stacking at asda for 40 years. That is the university and governments fault for the brainwashing the young generation. (the lost Generation it will be labelled as in 50 years)
The crux of the matter is that there is just not enough real graduate jobs for the influx of people that go to university. Simple. So in that respect, you can't really blame any employer ring fencing a job opportunity for only graduates, as like I say, it's just a minimum requirement, and something as a country its a mentality we should get out of.
I really don't know why so many still want to go......oh yes I do, because a lot of them think/know they will never pay it back, so it's free education?