Quote Diablo1967="Diablo1967"I can't believe you actually sat and typed that.
Have you ever had sex?'"
Oh no! Having mocked my literacy, called me a pillock and now outed me on the whole internet as a virgin is there no end to your cruelty or originality? Or are you propositioning me for sex. There are specialist websites for that you know. Maybe we should start again and date? I warn you though I don't put out easily.
Disappointingly it appears you may not be Chris Morris. Such biting comment, insight and put downs led to believe you were.
Maybe you should try the Hull Daily Mail comments boards. Your abilities will be more appreciated there and you can share your thoughts with like minded people. Your Rover's Tourettes will go down a treat there.
I can see the appeal of mocking you that others have expressed but maybe the high hat approach of Sheldon maybe required.
You have come up with some corkers though. McDonnell better than Eden and the stats prove it was a good start. But my favourite was mocking the re signing of Netherton and using the brilliantly ironic term of earthshattering then comparing his signing with that of Feka.
Earthshattering and Feka in the same sentence! Why not try buffet busting, pizza hoovering or harpoon blunting they'd be better in reference to Feka. Apparently he looks in good shape on photos your chairman has seen. Then my head looks good photo shopped on to Usain Bolt's body. You'd better hope Feka's agent can't use photo shop.
You do wonder what some people have to do to get a short ban?