Quote Moonlight="Moonlight"So you think that Terry Bramall, Dick Watson and Co will be setting fire to the Keepmoat anytime soon. Do you ghost write for anyone else under this Tatty Feeld pseudonym?'"
Did I actually say that,I am talking crisis of sliding down the leagues and believe me those days are coming.
As you have mentioned Bramall,it is well documented how much money he has and how little he puts into the Rovers pro rata.The blokes only seen about three Rovers matches in his life but likes to remain Chairman so that at his dinner parties he can say "I am the chairman of a football league club".
Before the start of the 2015-16 season Dikov was told he would get money to strengthen the team and within a few days that promise was withdrawn and he got next to nothing.He was told the emphasis had to be on youth.
Carl Hall emailed me and said I would be very exited if he got the targets he had lined up for 2015-16 and I bought a season ticket on the strength of that.
We signed very little quality and we were told the signings would be based on youth. Sound familiar.
There should be another Fan's Forum preferably so that we can see a balance sheet but even though the depth of feeling among supporters must be known at the Dons, Carl Hall appears reluctant to do that,Probably because probing questions may be very embarrassing.
As you appear to be a mouthpiece for Baldwin I think our exchange should terminate here as I don't want to descend into abuse.