Quote Howlin' Coyote="Howlin' Coyote"Just watched his interview on Hull FC live. Was genuinely excited when he bought the club but not so much now after listening to that load of poop! Everything's Gentles fault and the sun shines out of Radfords backside. He talks about some performances last season being an acute embarrasment, sorry Mr Pearson did you not watch widnes at home this year, either of the Wigan games etc! The fans aren't that gullible! I'm afraid if Radfords still head coach next year then I for one will no longer be a season pass holder!'"
As I said, Pearson is a Jeckyll & Hyde character, bagging Gentle for Wembley (game plan fine, execution/panic on the day cost us) and the Hudds game (Backstabbed by Radford & players) is just atypical of his need to make it seem as if he is right all the time when he's made a major major feck up!
If he thinks the fans are that stupid not to see through his bluster then he's mistaken, I for one am so disenfranchised I can barely even be bothered with the highlight's anymore. Oh I'll still come to the odd game when I can but that's more out of habit than any loyalty (as it will be for most). Because loyalty and integrity have being massively lacking from all corners at the club over the last 12 months, the only one with any respect from me is PG, dignified to the last.
If people can't see the continued stuff ups (treatment of Seymour before his incident, sacking of Gentle, employing a backstabbing liar etc, and I could go on) by Pearson as the main reason as to why we have gone backwards massively then no wonder there are so many like EastHullFCfan whom can see barely anything wrong.
Pearson in his rage/desperation (or whatever other descriptive you want to put on it) to win a trophy has now set us back at least another 2-3 years..the guy is an idiot.
I'd much rather have the likes of the Hudds, Warrington, St.helens owners, not just for their pockets but for their stability and understanding that Rome wasn't built in a day and not binning off a coach whom had us competing (AND WINNING) with top 6 teams from the get-go.
As for coach, for me Radford has burnt his britches, I don't want him anywhere near the club in any guise.
he's shown he has little understanding of man mangement
he cannot grasp basic concepts
he's unable to stop the rot in core skills
he's unable to motivate the players
he's unable to understand the players and their abilities
he's unable to decipher how best to overcome our deficiencies
he's shown to under estimate the opposition
There is not enough time in his life (nor does he possess the ability anyway) to be able to learn enough IF he was ever sent to Oz, the guy doesn't have the intelligence level.
I also don't want lying backstabbers at our club, certainly not leading it!
Frankly i'd have anybody over Radford at this moment in time.