Quote Mrs Barista="Mrs Barista"Big call for Huddersfield there. Wouldn't disagree with the shape of it though.'"
Aside from Wigan, Saints, Cats & Warrington I think the rest (aside from Wakey) are a omplete toss up as to where they place.
We do have a good squad but not great..yet. I've said we need another prop in lieu of a back & I think that could be one of our sticking points unless the younger props really start to show their mettle. Mini is going to be pivotal for us, more so than Westerman and Ellis I feel & Syned I hope can replicate his early season form from last year. I'm still not convinced by Pryce & I'd rather have JA in there but let's see.
The reality is that we could be anywhere from 5th to 11th, I just hope to god it's closer to 5th.
As for Hudds, I just have a gut feeling about them, I predicted last season they would go off the boil after their LL trophy and they did, they scraped third and scraped a fair few wins along the way and when it came down to it they got absolutely mullered by Wigan and lost to what was a bang average Cats side (on the day) at home. I just feel that they'll fall further away (hopefully) below us. I think Salford are much improved as are Rovers...but it's all conjecture.
What I do know is that we have a really really tough first 6 fixtures, that could make us or break us, let's not kid ourselves, we could easily lose all 6..not only would the fans be on the back of the team & the coach, the players would be under increasing pressure every game from there on in..and under pressure we have being shown to crack, give cheap penalties, switch off and revert to pants/panic rugby. That is why I was passionate about the failings to address the psychological aspect of the players, it's so massively important, why watching a video in Portugal just isn't enough, you can have all the skills in the world but if players heads drop & game plans go out the window & panic sets in your furked
Despite what people might think of me I want us to succeed, I really really do, if Radford gets us winning & back to the top 6 (because less than that is a failure in my eyes) I'll be the first to say yeah I got it wrong (from a coaching POV) I hate watching us implode and seeing heads go down & decent players go to shat. I hate seeing issues that crop up time & again that bite us when there are solutions to try & straighten them but don't get addressed & as I said Radford's head scratching last year was extremely worrying.
We can make top 6, but will we? My table prediction says no on the balance of probabilities & guesswork, that's all it can ever be right now.