Quote kingston droolers="kingston droolers"Very well put'"
I first encountered John Kear when I was reffing Alliance and he'd just got the gig as 'A' team coach at Cas. It was a Friday night at Headingley, Leeds were on top of everything and Cas were buggering around as usual.
John came into my dressing room to clarify a couple of points:
The first was that he'd noticed the Leeds full back usually trapped the ball with his foot before picking it up and he wanted me to clarify the offside rule on a "downtown" call. I did and Cas hammered Leeds all night for it.
The second was a little more complicated. Now bear in mind that at this time a square marker could strike for the ball (the tackled player had to place or drop the ball in front of his foremost foot and play it, in any direction, with his feet), it was what was known as a loose ruck. Kear asked me what decision I would give if: on the 5th tackle, a Cas player placed the ball on the floor, played it forward and the Leeds acting-half picked it up. My reply was, "penalty to Cas, Leeds player handling in the ruck".
That's all he wanted to hear. He'd studied the Laws of the Game and looked for what they didn't say, rather than what they did.
Unfortunately, we don't have too many people, involved in the game, who are capable of such lateral thought.
I once told Bomber that Kear was his best ever signing.
I think John just got too ambitious