Quote garroway="garroway"Just sat here watching 'Sky Sports News' and its a piece on the 'SuperBowl'....
In a nutshell the Green Bay Packers' fans were blocks of cheese on their heads and swing 'Terrible Towels' above their heads.
Now I dont know if its been tried before and I know im going to get some mardy replies but, wouldnt it be good if the club could market some thing that the fans could buy and take to the games and maybe swing above their heads or blow or even whistle... They showed a clip of the fans in the crowd and they were swinging the yellow towels aboove their heads and it looked so cool, so simple and really effective...Plus the club could cash in big time.
Its the Pittsburgh Steelers fans who wave the 'Terrible Towels', the Packers fans are the Cheeseheads.