Quote Sandal Cat="Sandal Cat"Illy, just out of curiosity why do you feel the need to post the above ?
Are you a concerned Wakefield Fan or are you just "stirring" the brown stuff up. Also where have you seen the debt of £1.3m posted because I would not know where to find such information.'"
Hi I am neither trying to stir the brown stuff or a Wakefield fan. But there is so much doom and gloom on here that is not really warranted. The accounts on Public record are out dated and first year trading only. AG has loaned the company money ( I presume £444,627) and I doubt he wants to fold the club and start again. These figures are from your accounts:
Balance Sheet
Total Fixed/Non Current Assets 63,659
Total Current Assets 100,056
Total Current Liabilities 925,483
Total Long Term Liabilities 444,627
Total Provisions 0
Total Net Worth (excludes intangible fixed assets) Minus -1,206,395
Debtors 58,618
Trade Debtors (if disclosed) - - -
Working Capital - - Minus -825,427
I think they would be well advised to file new accounts as soon as possible and not leave it until November.
Cheer up.