Just watched the end of the match again... given all the hatred and vitriol that's being directed towards Sam Tomkins by other fans for both "winding up" the opposition and the V-sign, interesting how no-one's talking about Clarkson's attempted winding up of Joel Tomkins just before the final drop-out. Or the Leeds players' behaviour at the end, including Danny McGuire grabbing Tommy by the collar and trying to head-butt him for some reason.
Sore losers. I'm feeling less sorry for them now. With the exception of Bailey and McGuire, who I couldn't feel any less sorry for, Leeds is made up of mostly decent players who usually let their rugby do the talking. Sinfield in particular, I will defend him to the hilt as a player because he's a decent player, a good captain for Leeds, and a very good role model. Losing in a cup final is never nice, and although everyone's talking about a few wrong decisions that went our way, there were just as many if not more that went Leeds' way earlier in the match. They probably balanced each other out. But to those players, it's understandable if they feel hard done to. Hopefully they'll watch the match back and say, "Yeah, alright, we got the rub of the green for some of the match too." I'm sure Sinfield will be disappointed with some of his charges for letting the side down and giving the impression that Leeds are very bad losers.
But when players like McGuire start behaving like that, I have to ask, which is the better role model... Sam Tomkins who stuck 2 fingers up at (allegedly) people who booed him on international duty, or Danny McGuire who thought it was ok to try and intimidate another player with threats of unneccessary violence?
Not in any way trying to suggest Tomkins is vindicated, I hope he gets a good ticking off and conducts himself as he does in interviews in future, but being a good loser is just as important as being a good winner, and Mr McGuire needs to realise that and stop being a little bitch.
For the rest of the Leeds Rhinos, in particular Ben Jones-Bishop, very well played and bad luck. For the sensible fans, commiserations. For the idiot fans that reside on Southstander, serves you right. You know who you are
Oh, a special mention for McDermott as well. His after-match interview was very well handled.