Quote mickyb1234="mickyb1234"So the cost for the stoop was either 18.5k or or 15.8 per game? '"
The cost of the stoop is irrelevant. Matchday costs, which include the cost of the stadium in 2012 were £222,244....that year we made losses of £2,202,049! 10% of out losses were down to the cost of the stoop.......will this simple equation not sink in Michael?
Quote mickyb1234="mickyb1234"Your comment on smoke screen and the cost of coffee, I do believe you asked for specifics, I gave you a specific, from a fans point of view its better than the rip off at the stoop, and the bar staff smile at you at least unlike the grumpy lot at the stoop.'"
Gus would love it is the only matter of conversation was the cost of a coffee and the smile it came with......and I suggest the smile was pleasant because there was only 50 of you there. Let's see what it's like when 1,000 people hit the bar looking for a beer in 10 minutes over half time.
Quote mickyb1234="mickyb1234"As for use of the facilities at the stoop, mate I spent long enough last season and the season before in the tunnel on match day, their were facilities that were NOT made available to the broncos that is a fact.'"
As I said, until we started getting y, we had access to everything we wanted. The relationship broke down when IL was replaced with DH and then once we started making sounds about leaving, we no longer became anything other than an annoyance. We were not asked to move out of the offices at the stoop...we chose to!
Quote mickyb1234="mickyb1234"You are happy to quote all other figures, marketing funding by the RFL is not solely London all clubs benefit, what was suggested at the forum is that the RFL should think about marketing the GAME more in the south considering our catchment area. It was a follow on to all the talk the RFL gave to success of the RLWC. '"
so? We are a business. Businesses provide a product or service and they try to get people to buy it. Over the last 18 years we have failed.....over tha last 3 we have failed with bells on and fist class honours! It is not for the club to wait for the RFL to dosomething. David Hughes has wasted 10,000,000+ on a club that he will never get back. His failings and those of his puppet CEO's can't be laid at Knock down Nigels feet..,....that is an entirely different thread!
Quote mickyb1234="mickyb1234"The club spent at least 40k last year on market btw'"
..WoW......massive drop from 2012 then. £205,944 in 2012, £242,524 the year before and £267,943 in 2010
Michael, I don't pull these figures out of a hat. If your £40k in 2013 is true then the club should be stripped of its licence.
Quote mickyb1234="mickyb1234"no-one has said we are better off than in 2011, everyone at the forum probably agreed we have gone backwards massively.'"
YET THE PERSON RESPONSIBLE IS STILL ON A WAGE........and you expect something to change
Quote mickyb1234="mickyb1234"DH is still the bloke who owns us and is the money man so basically its down to him to appoint the CEO '"
for 1 more year....then the RFL don't have to worry about us any more because we will slip into the lower tier. As for the money for 2014....the RFL have given our new landlord a marketing budget. If I wasn't such a devoted fan of the RFL, I could maybe look upon that as the RFL PAYING HIM TO TAKE US FOR ONE MORE YEAR TO SEE OUT THE LICENCING PERIOD......but hey, that would be pure speculation
Quote mickyb1234="mickyb1234"Player sponsorship, actually they have put a price on it!'"
They didn't when they first announced it......but good to see they have now decided on a figure. I wonder if they will update us as to the availability of players as they begin to attract throngs of sponsors.....
Quote mickyb1234="mickyb1234"Willing and hungry diners!!!! don't know what you mean! questions were asked, and they gave answers honestly, there was no flannel, there was no bull.'"
We admit we have made mistakes and we accept we need to improve........where else did they say they had got it wrong?
We know we need to communicate with fans more effectively.......no Sherlock?
Honesty? Honesty is for kids caught stealing.....REALISM is what is needed in business. The Current CEO has overseen losses in excess of over £6,500,000 on a turn over of £12,300,000 in 3 years.
[size=200losses in excess of over £6,500,000 on a turn over of £12,300,000 in 3 years.[/size
Quote mickyb1234="mickyb1234"Melf, I don't think anyone is actually saying TK should take over now, but as you say in a year or two or three years time who knows what is going to happen.'"
London Broncos will not be in SL and will be struggling unless the funding of the expansion team is given a major overhaul. TK will not be investing anything he doesn't get back over the bar or on the gate.
Quote mickyb1234="mickyb1234"TK stood up and fended questions and seemed pretty genuine, again no flannel no bull yep he said their had been hickups and their were still things that needed work but importantly he was willing to listen to what the club and the supporters want and need to make it a success'"