Quote Airborne Eagle="Airborne Eagle"The women who gave him first aid were Jane and my wife Anne. Hope the guy is OK. Eagles fans have a Facebook page Sheffield Eagles RLFC Supporters if you have any news I'm sure everyone would be grateful if you'd put something on there.'"
I was handed Janes number last night and have rang her earlier today to thank her for for what she and others did for Stephen on behalf of everyone associated with Leigh Centurions.
She was extremely emotional when I spoke to her and obviously shaken up by what had happened but has asked to be kept updated on his progress and I have promised to keep her informed as soon as any further news is made clear.
I also recieved the following message last night from Stephens brother:
[size=15025/05/2014 22:22
Michael O'Dwyer
Hi my dad wants to pass on his thanks to the leigh fans who helped our ste.[/size
I've invited Jane and hope Anne will join her to the return fixture so we can as a club properly express our gratitude for what they did and we hope that Stephen will be able to also thank her in person as we believe that he will beat this and come through fighting like the team he loves.
Never has the strap line "We are in this together" been more appropriate and from the board to all the staff and volunteers to the coaching staff and players along with the 18th man we are all together in this wishing Stephen a full and speedy recovery.
Hoping for positive news very soon.
Andy Mazey