Quote L3YTH="L3YTH"This Labour Government sent our troops off to die in Iraq based on a lie.
We have body bags being shipped home every week from Afganistan. '"
Thatch made a mistake with her cost cutting and got us involved in a war with Argies.
Thatch as history has shown would have done the same as Blair with Iraq. Britain and USA always seemingly take brunt of these conflicts over the years while other countries have their principles and are too frightened to make the hard decisions. Nobody wants to go to war. Labs and Tories backed the war. Only Libs didn't because of course they change their views depending on opinion on that given week, which is hardly a recipe for making them difficult unpopular but necessary decisions.
Quote L3YTHGordon Brown as chancellor created a £75billion pound hole in everyones pensions, he's a much bigger thie than Robert Maxwell ever was.'"
The pensions has been a problem for years. Not enough money will be going in the pot mainly due to an aging population ratio wise. Again super Thatch couldn't have done much about this.
Quote L3YTHLabour promised no more boom and bust and yet we are in the middle of the biggest recession for 70 years.'"
Its a global recession that has hit everyone and caught most governments and businesses by surprise. He admitted to mistakes being done and could have done things differently - takes a big man to do that considering how unpopular you would be. But I prefer him to have a go to stem the recession and get us out of it quicker rather than Tories usual plan of cutting and letting it happen.
Quote L3YTHMy kids are 2 and 4, they both have £25,000 worth of debt thanks to Gordon Brown.
So stop going on about the mistake of Margret Thatcher and have a close look at the disaster that has been the Labour party running this country.'"
Thatch sorted the last recession out in a different way which caused too much suffering. We will only know in a few years whether this different approach works. Thatch privatised companies, sold off our Gas reserves cheaply (so now we are more reliant from abroad), sold off council houses for the government pot to keep people on the dole - this government can't do that. She brought in the unfair poll tax, misread the Argy situation to then put us in a war and it goes on. Its very easy to look at now because of the Global recession when most of us are suffering and look back at the 80's under Thatch with the tinted glasses.
Quote L3YTHUnfortunately in some communities, you could dress up a pig, stick a red rosette on it and you'd have a labour MP.'"
Agree. There is guaranteed support for Tories and Labour no matter what, which show them as lazy and ignorant voters.
I hated Thatch at the time but now can appreciate she did some good, and she has played her part for some of us getting on in the world nowadays. The country was on its knees when she took over, with a workforce ruled by unions that where more interested in striking than helping Britain compete with other countries - she gets a well done on that score for crushing the Unions.