Quote jonnymatt="jonnymatt"He's been done before! he should be on the ball in terms of what can and cant be taken. Lets move on!'"
If any athlete can remember 50% of the products that contain prohibited substances or substances that cause the synthesis of prohibited substances then I'd be exceptionally impressed.
Also, they better check the site every day!
Quote jonnymatt="UKAD website"It is important to note that the Prohibited List is updated annually and published every January. However, substances can be added to the list at any time, so make sure you check it regularly.'"
You can be banned today for something that wasn't banned yesterday!
UKAD have a programme for supplements called Informed-Sport which is designed to ensure athletes can get supplements that are free from banned substances. But should one of those products be contaminated by the manufacturer or distributor, and you fail a test because of it, you're going to get a ban.
There's too many banned products, too many ways to fail tests and on top of that we're hardly catching any of the 'cheaters'.
We're also preventing our athletes from using products that can ensure long term recovery from injuries - if players were allowed to supplement the natural levels of human growth hormone in their systems then they would recover from injury more quickly and completely and we'd likely have fewer players with busted bodies at the end of they careers. But it's a banned substance because it can help build more muscle mass.
Lets face it, you can be banned for having your own unsupplemented blood injected in to you (if you were training at altitude at the time it was taken) which is all kinds of crazy.