Quote Upanunder="Upanunder"Stats don't tell the whole story but the ones likely to relate to pushing the envelope of physicality...ehem...would be at similar levels for both teams.
For instance, Leigh have 8 cards, Wakey has 1, I highly doubt any of those 8 cards are for lying on, but I dunno
Acton has been put on report 7 times this season on his own, 3 of them charges
Hock has been 6 times with 2 charges
Those 2 have been nearly as many times on their own as the whole Wakey team put together.
Kirmond 2, 1 charge
Fifita has been there 3 times no charges, in fact total visits for the entire team is 14, 1 charge
Leigh ? oh yeah Leigh have been......32 times, 8 charges, 2 cautions
You can present stats any way you want to support a particular point you want to make, but I'm struggling to make these stats support the idea that Leigh are no worse than Wakey for physicality envelope pushing, mebbe I picked the wrong stats'"
Maybe your stats do show something ' as we believe reputation comes before us , lots of ' on reports ' lots of no case to answer , Hock sneezes and he's on report , when he has actually cleaned up his act , a case in point , 1 st game of the year , 3 rd minute , Cas's McShane spear tackles hock ( Mcshanes 1 st tackle of the season ) , Mr Hick ignores the potential for crippling a player , but focuses on Hocks reaction to Mcshanes follow up of an elbow to Hocks face on the floor ,
Red card for McShane ? , bearing in mind this is his 1 st tackle of the season ( tell me it wasn't planned by Daryl Powell ? ) , no , yellow card for McShane ? , no , penalty to Leigh and words with Hock
Subsequently McShane gets 3 games I think , any benifit to Leigh ?
Yes under our former coach Acton was a time bomb , he actually was telling him to pat and run opposition players on the head to wind them up ( Toronto tactic this week ) , but again this year , no different to any other ' enforcer '
It seems we are being thought of as a team of brickies and plumbers who've been playing part time and are suddenly moving up to full time , when we probably have more SL and NRL experience than most of SL
perception , a hard thing to change