Quote Starbug="Starbug" Thing is though , we have had 2 pyramids running for the last few years
Are the changes to all summer going to bring them together ?'"
The consultation is ongoing but that would be the intention, if all parties agree.
Quote Starbug="Starbug" Do those clubs not all recieve the same ? , or have the same available to them ? '"
Short answer, I don't know. Longer answer, I believe so in general terms, though as I understand it the organisation has been pragmatic in helping clubs when they need it (though not necessarily with more, just with earlier payments).
Quote Starbug="Starbug" Maybe if they were shall we say a bit more ' honest ' they would have more respect among the fans of clubs ?
Your take on the crusaders issue ?
I have no doubt that there are some very hard working honest people at the RFL , but the ones at the top , well I have nothing but contempt for them , their history does not fill me with confidence '"
I absolutely agree with the 'honest' bit. I've argued with RFL people at senior (but not top) level on exactly that point. On a personal level I would tell everyone everything and have it all in the open. Apart from anything else, it would be much clearer how hard it is to manage a bunch of independent and wilful organisations (from pro clubs to amateur leagues, international players to under 9's competitions).
Crusaders - my take is, pro Welsh club vital, worth more to the long term future of the game than another Lancastrian or Yorkshire SL club. General PR around the club, and especially around the franchise award, shambolic and misguided (at best) or dishonest (at worst).
Those at the top of the RFL? I only 'know' one board member in any detail, and that person is superb.
I've only on a couple of occasions been in the room with the very top, but good friends I've known and respected for far longer than the existence of SL have reassured me that the head honcho is utterly committed to our sport, and has been a bloody visionary in developing the game to unprecedented levels of credibility with politicians and sponsors, in ways that the average fan would never see or even consider.
Surprised me, too. But it is not by chance that Red Hall was the first place visited by the incoming Minister for Sport, nor that we are receiving the same treatment for our World Cup as that other sport, or that RFL staff hold key committee roles in a myriad of multi-sports development bodies, funding programmes and decision-making panels.
You've probably had more dealings with the brass than I have, and from a club perspective. The RFL's track record is not unblemished, and some clubs have definitely had the worst of it (Keighley in 1995, for starters, but we've not had many favours). But the reaction of Red Hall to our reinstatement in the Championship has proved to me beyond all doubt that the RFL does not have a vendetta against us. Everyone, without exception, wanted us in that division with Widnes and Fax, not down amongst the Swintons and Skolars.
Red Hall would not be unhappy with us in SL - IF we were clearly in the top 11 northern English clubs in terms of our planning and management, our fanbase and revenue streams, and our playing potential. We're not, though. Close - top 15 definitely - but not top 11.