Quote atomic="atomic"The actual centurions logo as such needs a revamp.Its very simple and boring.Not a problem with the branding name, but would like to see the crest used more,than that pitiful logo.'"
I have to agree Atomic.
The original Centurions logo/badge design was quite good, in fact I have an original Centurions badge car sticker from 2005 I need to put in my car (if it sticks).
The newer 'last few seasons logo is a big pair of mohair troosers ! Absolute pants & puts me off buying much merchandise, it's just too childlike & cartoony for me !
I would like to go back to the original Centurions logo with a sharp modern tweak, get a good group of designers on the job.
I quite like the name Centurions & it
[iis used in marketing !!![/i, has anyone not seen the posters on line & the short videos of Roman Centurions marching to battle etc ?
As for relevance, what relevance has 'Warriors' to Wigan ?
Surely they would be better named 'Wigan Scabs' - if folk need something with meaning & history behind it.