Quote jdrocket="jdrocket"Again people are making the mistake of believing that just cause you know something the world must.
I will say that it was a few years ago I had to have it pointed out to me. I wasn't looking for it. It was more of an aside. I can believe the same happened with this Charlie guy. It is perfectly reasonable to believe that like me this guy was probably in school at on the 11th November every year. Don't insult me because you can't empathise with other people.
If your figures about police injuries are correct. I apologise. I had watched it all night and i don't remember any news of injured policemen. I do remember however that the "rioters" as you call them were a small minority of people. People, who had been forced back into a kettle and then beaten with batons. It all began with the tactics of the police. They put them into a confined area and then used undue force. Some may have been trying to hurt the police. (I don't speak for them) but the police with the gear on were hitting young adults and children who were there for a peaceful protest.
Why do people who are short on intelligence here resort to name calling. I am not thick, by any stretch. I would appreciate if you didn't call me it. It only highlights your weakness to put your point across.
It was a mistake. A huge one. But still a mistake. Unless you want to believe that he intended to desecrate fallen soldiers that day? I don't.
You are right, though. Those that went there to cause trouble (not the students who planned a peaceful protest) should receive punishment. They intended to do harm and there is no excuse.'"
Again, more holes than a sieve
Apparently, I've made a mistake that, "just cause you know something the world must". Yes, I may have more qualifications than some people, I may be able to answer more questions in a pub quiz than other people, I may have a bit more common sense than others, but come on, don't give me this innocent ignorance guff. It's the Cenotaph for God's sake. HE KNEW.
You say you watched the news all night and didn't hear of any Police injuries. Well, I saw 3 bulletins (from different news media) and saw and heard of Police injuries on each occasion. You must have nipped out to put the kettle (no pun intended) on.
And yes, as you pointed out, I DO call them rioters, because that's what they were, RIOTERS. It doesn't matter wether there was 4 (a small number as you put it), or 4444, they were still rioters.
And then, your final load of "codswallop" It all began with the tactics of the police. They put them into a confined area and then used undue force. WRONG .
It actually began with the thuggish behaviour of the rioters, which the Police then had todeal with.
I hope that helps.
I suggest you resign from your 6th form debating society, and get some work done.
Don't defend these idiots