Quote Ian 77 Redux="Ian 77 Redux"Barker can't help himself, can he? Awful. I do hope Salford are slipping into bad habits regarding publicity. I think we can all remember Dave Tarry's famous boast about the new stadium making Salford the richest club in world Rugby League "We'll have 2 million in income before a turnstyle clicks". Course you will Dave. Course you will.'"
Call me cynical, but isn't Salford's new stadium going to be the biggest white elephant our game as ever seen???
20,000 seater, yet only 4,000 fans to fill it, whilst best of all, taking the club from its roots to a barren piece of no-man's land next to a sewerage plant???...
Salford's biggest problem is that the population of the city itself as changed so much from the days when they considered themselves a big club.... Without wanting to bring any unneccesary race issues into this, Salford's population becomes more and more 'non-rugby' everyday, with the ethnic numbers increasing all the time....I think it is well accepted that they have little interest in our game, thus where are Salford expecting to entice their new fans from???