Quote Wires71="Wires71"Just thought it would be interesting from a historical perspective.'"
Don't get me wrong, I love a historical thread probably more than most! I meant, why 1954, and what the significance of this was??
However, on the subject of historical perspective, I offer this...
I must admit I was pleased to see the '3 years on thread' which highlighted the fact we only had 3 players from the 2013 team playing at the weekend, just 3 years on. It shows the scale of re-building we've done, that Smith deserves a huge amount of credit for: this is basically his second Wire team (and flies in the face of those who question his ability to recruit, and say he 'inherited' his first-which in itself ignores the fact he converted also-rans into trophy winners).
However, the key thing I would emphasise are the parallels to our often referred to 'greatest era', of the late 40s, early 50s. In fact I would say this is a total misnomer: this too was two totally distinct teams. The mistake stems from the fact that three of our greatest ever players (Bath, Helme and Bevan) span this era. In actual fact only three players played in both the 1948 and 1954 Championship winning teams (Bath wasn't one as he wasn't eligible to play in 48, though Bob Ryan, another Wire great but often forgotten in light of the 'holy trinity' was the other with Bev & Gerry).
The similarity between then and now is significant, with the crucial difference that our first team in this era failed to win the Championship. In the 48-50 period we won League and cup, made a few other finals and topped the league (twice). We then had 2 poor relatively poor seasons, with a 6th and 9th place finish and no finals, whilst the team was re-built, only to bounce back to win the double, retain the league and finish top in back-to-back seasons for (so far!) the only time in our history. Fast forward 60 years, and our first team wins 3 Cups and tops the league, but just falls short (twice) for the big prize. We then have a couple of relatively poor years, while a second team is assembled, before getting back in final contending shape, and topping the league, and maybe, just maybe, carrying off the Championship.
I maintain that the anomaly was our modern eras first team's lack of Championship glory: they should have won a title but didn't. However, I do feel history is repeating, and agree with Smith that this team will win a GF. I expect it to be this year if I'm totally honest, but if not, it'll be in the next two.
My main point: enjoy this now, it probably won't last. After the glory years of the 50s we weren't a real force again for 20 years, and even then we're not really top dogs. This may happen again. So lap it up while you can: we may never see the like of this era again.