I was there and thought I saw Clarkey but no Harrison.....
Maybe I need new glasses - unless Ben has gone on a diet and permed his hair......
Anyway Quins were poor and we were generally good in the 1st half.
Didn't seem to get out of 2nd gear.
2nd half a lot of chopping and changing.
Myler looked worse for wear.
Unhappy with the defence although there was no chance of us losing, but give credit to Quins for keeping on going.
Didn't think TS would learn a lot from that.
Not impressed by Atkins .... again.
The match commentator should be sacked.
Apparently we have
'Roy Atkins', 'Lewis Anderson' and 'Lee Bry-ers'. What a total kn0b-head.
Quins can't go on like that.