Quote 1905="1905"Can't disagree with any of that, apart from your grammatical errors of course.'"
If you're going to be a smart and criticise other people's grammar, at least try to do it without making an error yourself. Try looking at your reply and see if you can find the missing comma.
Next, instead of trying to patronise other people, look at what you have typed below and see if you can see your own errors. It really is embarrassing to be so critical of other people's grammar when you make such mistakes yourself.
By the way, is it true that Albert couldn't fasten his own shoe laces laces?
Nothing as complicated as you suggest Sally.
Confidence plays a big part, will they suffer from blowing away teams like we did last year? We got caught out as we hadn’t had enough close games last year, and I think we paid the price. TS learnt from 'that game' and told some of our players to be below par at the start of the season, to make the games closer and therefore we have learned from those games. Remember; you can be the best team all season, and finish top of the league, but you win nowt for that.