Quote sally cinnamon="sally cinnamon"Good shout for remembering Naas Botha. I don't remember it at the time but in one of my old Rothmans books it mentioned that we'd been linked with him.
Some names here that I had totally forgotten.
Kimmorley I always hoped would come to us. We were linked with him several times and when we signed Michael Monaghan there was something in the Warrington Guardian saying we had the chance to sign Kimmorley but chose Monaghan over him.
I was disappointed when the Neil Turley deal didn't come off although it seemed like he'd been trying to push and push for a bigger and bigger deal. With hindsight it is crazy how he was hyped up as such a big name signing, considering he had only played in the U21s and NFP. When he did come into SL in 2005 he was just average. I think we dodged a bullet with Turley, he might have been the Ryan Leaf of rugby league. When he couldn't sign Turley, Plange signed Westwood instead.
Also remember the April Fool about Iestyn Harris when somebody photoshopped Iestyn Harris' head on Mark Hilton's body and sent it out as a press release from a fake email address supposedly from Gina Coldrick, which got all the newspapers buzzing.'"
I remember being sat at home, and that comming up on the bottom of the screen on sky sports news, that he had re-signed..........I was made up at the time !!!!!