Quote Red Preacher="Red Preacher"The 'virtual self' enables those that in the "real" world typically lack a voice worth listening to or any kind of social standing, to be someone they just aren't. Angry people who are liberated from the constraints of daily life by the anonymous medium of cyberspace. Disinhibited by the social rules of face-to-face interaction, they can express offensive and hateful remarks at strangers... In complete agreement with Bill, a discussion cannot be held with views that aren't supported by the disclosure of one's identity.'"
Quote Red Preacher="pandasdad"Irrespective of that, what gives anybody on this forum the right to question the integrity of the FR chair?'"
Well you can extend that to people who, totally out of character, shout and scream at players and referees at matches. And I think most of us have done that at some point to be fair. What I would add is the web isn't the wild west environment of old. Today, when you make named, personal insults on here, it leaves yourself and this forum open to litigation.
Quote Red Preacher="mitie mouse"If this 60k is donated do we still need 540k to start the season,or is it still at 600k as Wilky as said we need?'"
The vibe I got from Thursday's meeting was to try and clear the petition and take it from there. (The fans won't be able to raise much more than that anyway, if we're being honest.) It would mean the club can trade while the RFL liases with its interested parties to buy the club in January. Very sketchy on the details but the RFL's COO Ralph Rimmer said as much to Paul Highton and the lads. The rest of the money appears to be liabilities that can be spread over a period of time or working capital - I can't recall with any certainty but that's the impression I got.
The most encouraging revelation was in regards to the 'robust' business plan, which could show a profit on modest crowds (based on the paying numbers from last season?). 'Robust' meaning cutting our cloth accordingly. And why John didn't disclose this fully on the 17th, I don't know. It would have saved a week's worth of despair.
Not that achieving last year's figures will be a cakewalk but the 8,000 nonsense was pie in the sky and it would have been futile continuing on that premise.
Quote Red Preacher="Philyourboots"And what I find hilarious is all you supporters who slagged Patten off over the years, you're actually fund raising for Wilky to pay him. Patten must have a wry smile on his face.
Quote Red Preacher="BartonFlyer"The issue on Patten and Anderson is that they are legally owed that money and if it isn't paid then that could well be the end of SCR. So regardless of what anyone thinks if their ability and effort in a Reds shirt there is little option but to pay them.'"
And that is the issue. If this isn't paid or contested, I believe the club would go into receivership - that's straight to liquidation, don't pass administration or CVA. That would mean starting the club from scratch. And it's clear from the last couple of meetings that opinion is mixed on this. I wouldn't bail on being handed that scenario but it would undoubtably be a very different world.
Quote Red Preacher="Early Bath"There may well be an angle for an adjournment.'"
This was mentioned on Thursday.
Quote Red Preacher="pandasdad"The fans, I'm afraid, are between a rock and a hard place. It would seem that any funds provided to the existing set up may just be sending good money after bad, particularly if it is used to pay money to an ex player who, under any normal contract conditions, would be in breach of contract!'"
Quote Red Preacher="mitie mouse"Of course it is,but some people want to know where these donations,pledges are going.Some people will not donate if its going to pay of somebody`s debts,they will if its to help with the rise of a new club.Some people are happy to pay of somebody`s debts that s their choice,simple really.'"
Quote Red Preacher="Prestwich Red"I would like to donate to the SOS fund but there is one huge thing holding me back.
If the funds raised are to be used for the formation of a new club then great I am all for it.
If it is just to pay for the wages of an Aussie and Kiwi waste of time who were employed on obvious ridiculous terms by our inept chairman then no.'"
Quote Red Preacher="Philyourboots"This fund raising should be called Save Our Salfraud or Save Wilky Fund... What should of happened is to let the club dissolve, making us more attractive to buy negotiating with SMC and RFL then the administrators would of stripped the club naked and revealed the truth behind the scenes.'"
Essentially, I got the impression the FR board have decided that keeping the company alive is preferable to the more seismic options. Therefore, dealing with the winding up petition is paramount. This does mean supporters are being asked to deal with at least some of the debts of Wilky's administration, as in 2003. But this is (I assume) probably the end of John and Howard's involvement.
If you don't mind doing this and want the club to secure its Super League place next year, donate as much as you can to the [url=http://viewtopic.php?p=17216287&tsmp=1356797928#p17216287Salford City Reds Foundation Appeal[/url. If you're still unsure, try and make some of the fundraising nights and the Swinton game - at least you'll have a night out while contributing . If you're still against this particular campaign, join Forever Reds as a member and donate through the Trust. Here, your money won't go to paying off another company's liabilities and you can have your say against the board's direction through the appropriate channels. If you do none of those, then why are you here?
The garbled point I tried to get across at Thursday meeting is there needs to be a clear, saleable message that supporters can spread, in laymen's terms, to their family, friends and acquaintances. Although crowd figures are a poor measure - they can be manipulated, inflated by freebies or heavily weighted towards concessionary discounts - a quantifiable if arbitrary number is nevertheless an easy sell. So if you could say to people with confidence that once the petition is cleared, and the remaining debt is restructured, the club could sustain itself on 4,500 paying punters - that's saleable. There was just something missing on Thursday to be able to come away with something like that. But it was more encouraging fare.