As someone who is from neither Salford nor Manchester...
No name change. What, exactly, would it achieve? Are the people of Manchester and the surrounding areas really going to turn up and watch rugby league just because the club is called Manchester? Are they buggery. Would they be more willing to turn up and watch a team called Salford that's actually successful and well run? I'd say so, more so that just because of the name of the club.
Rather than these tired, boring arguments about what the club should be called, we should be concentrating on making the club a success in order to attract new support, not sh*tting all over the club's history.
Quote Stanley30="Stanley30"Who really gives a toss! if it means we have a rugby team to support then I really don't care if were called the 'Baby Barton Carebears'!'"
You're a bit of a bell, then.
Quote Stanley30="Fungus The Muffin Man"Your in a very small minority. =#FF0000Well based on here anyway'"
I'm intrigued by the highlighted bit.