Quote Kosh="Kosh"eusa_naughty.gif
It was [imeant[/i to be a routine meeting, and then out of the blue a vote was called on league structure - despite it being agreed that no such vote should take place until after the WC. This at a meeting where Saints and Bradford couldn't vote (some doubt over Castleford as well). Is t any wonder that the 6 felt that they were being ambushed?
And they [ihave[/i come out and said what they want. Several times.
The reason for tying it to the vote on structure is that the 6 clubs feel that tinkering with structure without addressing the core issues of governance and commercial activities will achieve nothing. A view I'm inclined to agree with. They're being asked to buy into the new structure with little or no detail on how it will all be financed, despite asking for this several times. And they have zero confidence that the RFL will carry out the requested review once they have the vote on structure that they want.
It's a mess. One that has been brewing for at least the last couple of years. Sadly I have no confidence that a a solution can be found that will actually take the game forward and really address the core issues.'"
As mentioned I have no sympathy with Saints or Cas if they didn't send a representative at all. Bradford is tricky I agree.
Have they? I haven't seen what they've wanted with regard RFL governance etc or the league structure for that matter other than they're not happy.
I'd agree that for any system to be successful the RFL governance and commercial activities have to be right. In which case what's the harm in picking the best structure, whatever they think that may be. And then deal with the RFL. IIRC the RFL spelt out what the split of monies would be under the 8-8-8 proposal on their website. I still don't see why the 2 issues need to be conflated.
I definitely agree its a mess. One compounded, at least, by a weak RFL. This should have been sorted months ago and whatever system agreed upon (whether I agree with it or not) so we can move forward united in to the World Cup, and everyone knows where they stand. It's ridiculous that we don't yet know how many, if any, teams will be relegated next season or things like salary caps and funding for 2015 making it difficult for clubs to commit to expenditure.
I know, for instance, Leeds have held off some refurbishments until it's sorted and they know what they'll be getting in funding. Which might, at least in part, explain some of Darth's exasperation.