Quote EHW="EHW"I can't see which rule you are referring to in that link, that states that the touch judge is not allowed to tell the referee there was a forward pass.
The most relevant to me is: "Awarding a Try 9. [...... the Referee shall look at both Touch Judges before awarding a try."'"
As I read it, from the paragraph "Accept Touch Judge Decision 10" - it seems quite clear on defining the Touch Judge's duties
"Accept Touch Judge decision 10. The Referee shall accept the decision of an official Touch Judge relating to touch and touch in-goal play and to kicks at goal.
Touch Judge 11. Each Touch Judge shall remain in touch, one on each
side of, and near to, the playing field except:–
(a) when judging kicks at goal (see Section 6) and
(b) when reporting a player’s misconduct which has escaped the notice of the Referee.
Flag 12. Each Touch Judge must carry an approved flag.
Indicating Touch 13. A Touch Judge shall indicate when and where the ball goes into touch by raising his flag and standing opposite the point of entry into touch except in the case of ‘ball back’ (see Section 9 para. 4) when the Touch Judge must indicate that no ground has been gained by waving his flag above his head accentuating the movement in the direction of the kicker’s goal-line.
Indicating Touch in-Goal 14. If the ball enters touch in-goal the Touch Judge shall wave the flag across the body and below the waist. With the other hand he/she points to either the goal line or twenty metre line depending on where play should be restarted. Do not point to the player who made the ball dead.
Judge kicks at goal 15. Touch Judges shall assist the Referee in judging kicks at goal. (See Section 6 para.10).
Indicating 10 metres 16. When a free kick is being taken, both Touch Judges shall take up a position near the touch line ten metres beyond the mark to act as markers for the
team which is required to retire.
Nowhere does it say that the Touch Judge should indicate forward passes?