Worthless gutter journalism, though Leaf has been a dick of the highest order and won't be anywhere near RL again.
But let's take a look at the Sun's exclusive claims:
Quote A senior rugby league official [i:261ypoig(The Sun knows his name)[/i:261ypoig took a more-than-usual interestTODAY we reveal how rugby league's cheats deliberately fix matches to pull off massive betting coups.
No, you reveal how one man likes to brag about betting on his own team and boasts he can influence games if playing in them.
Quote A senior rugby league official [i:261ypoig(The Sun knows his name)[/i:261ypoig took a more-than-usual interestHow games are fixed.'"
No, how games might be influenced by one player.
Quote A senior rugby league official [i:261ypoig(The Sun knows his name)[/i:261ypoig took a more-than-usual interestHow the captain of Doncaster bet against his own side to lose by at least 38 points to Wakefield Wildcats in the Challenge Cup on Sunday.'"
I'll give them this, but that's slightly different to fixing a game. He didn't even play in the tie.
Quote A senior rugby league official [i:261ypoig(The Sun knows his name)[/i:261ypoig took a more-than-usual interestHow he had previously laid out £600 on Doncaster to lose another match.'"
Ok, so he's been nailed here again.
Quote A senior rugby league official [i:261ypoig(The Sun knows his name)[/i:261ypoig took a more-than-usual interestHow a top rugby league official persuaded him to try and lose a game.'"
Don't see any mention of that? How vague is this: "A senior rugby league official [i(The Sun knows his name)[/i took a more-than-usual interest" isn't the same as persuading a player to lose a game. Is it?
Quote A senior rugby league official [i:261ypoig(The Sun knows his name)[/i:261ypoig took a more-than-usual interestHow players pull tricks to swing results.'"
Again, based on the boasts of one player.
Quote A senior rugby league official [i:261ypoig(The Sun knows his name)[/i:261ypoig took a more-than-usual interestThere is no suggestion any of Leaf's team-mates behaved improperly or knew he had bet on his side to lose - and - None of Leaf's team-mates behaved improperly or knew he had bet on the team to lose.'"
Ah, so just this one player then.
And this idiot claims to be able to tell from tackles that the opposition are betting on the outcome? By their mentality? But not the kids of course, because they have aspirations. Just the old heads apparently.
I have no doubt some dubious betting goes on in all sports. But to label RL as a whole thanks to this second-rate is laughable. Get rid of him and move on.