Quote roger daly="roger daly"I agree,on reading the original post, Adey I think you bit his head off straight away.
I thought it was a tad on the harsh side to be honest.
We don't fall out on here'"
And yet, I offer no apology for it.
For the reasons that I said, and others - not least, taking over a business where many of the previous admin and support staff had been lost, for good, and having to concentrate on getting a half-decent playing squad ready for the new season - I would have thought most people would be prepared to cut the club some slack for now in the non-playing department? Given the car crash they inherited?
The club just about managed to get a new website up and running before the start of the new season, and has never made any secret of it being ongoing work in progress. Remember, too, who ran and hosted the previous website, who the records show was owed a load of money by the previous company. So how helpful was he likely to be in facilitating the transition?
The OP gave (me) the clear impression of sniping from the sidelines - any fool can do that - without acknowledging ANY of the constraints I refer to. And comparing our new, work in progress site with those of other clubs whose sites have often been established for years and who in most cases now have a lot more funds to play with than we do. There was (to me) nothing constructive in the post, just criticism without supporting examples.
That someone seemingly newly-registered should make such a post his or her first contribiution on here also struck me as odd, but I'd hesitate to immediately brand the OP a troll (as I see has already been alleged) to give him or her a chance to establish their bona fides.
The OP is entitled to make observations about the present state of the site. Later on in the year, if nothing has changed I could probably agree with the general gist of the observations. But I wonder how you, or the OP, might feel if you believed you had done pretty well to get something to where it is at present - given all the other priorities too and funding constraints? Only to have your efforts not merely ignored, but criticised for not being up to the standard yet of other, well-established and funded sites?
And no, I am far from being in the current management's pocket - far from it, as those who have spoken with me lately are quite aware. I, too could make a range of observations about off-field progress so far, some favourable some less so. But, regarding the latter, I see no purpose or benefit in criticising whilst it remains very early days, with so much to do and limited resources to do everything at once. No-one gets everything totally right first time, and if the OP is indeed a Bulls supporter then he or she will surely be aware of how things stand?
Lucky Luke I think just showed how to turn the OP's issue into something more constructive?