The curious thing about Hood's statement is that what it says, if you break it down into chunks, is:
1. There are "valid reasons" why Awford
cannot return to the UK
2. These reasons
already existed before Awford left the UK to recuperate in Aus
3. These reasons were unknown
to the club
I am therefore entitled to presume that these reasons WERE known to Awford before he departed.
So, there was already a reason, before he left, why he
would not be able to return to the UK; and it is confidential.
I am not going to speculate on what sort of reasons could possibly fit that bill, firstly because it is fruitless, also because a fair few of the sort of scenarios which could be made to fit would involve something dodgy, but mainly because I don't buy it.
Not least because our CE Ryan Duckett was quoted a few weeks back as saying:
Quote valid reasons"When Matt went back home to have the operation he told us he was fully committed to the club," Duckett said.'"
It is hard to imagine what outside thing was already in existence that neither we nor Awford knew about, barring serious illness of a close relative or some such, but even in such a scenario why would there be a need to keep the financials hush hush?
I also hate the fact that the supporters, who pay the money, are again being left totally in the dark as to how the money is being spent. And I understand confidentiality clauses, but given that this wasn't like a two-sided dispute - all the right and all the contractual terms were 100% on our side - I can't see what pressure there can have been on us to agree to stringent confidentialty terms on the finances side of things. What cards did Awford have, to play?
I too am glad that the whole sorry saga is at last over, but it leaves a very bitter taste.