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| Thanks for the comment Incredibullman - have a bit of time on my hands this morning thanks to wonders of air-travel. I assume some of the forum members are also involved with Bulbuilder but I will contact them directly to see if they would be interested in acting as a conduit for fans to "invest" in the club.
Guess one of the positives about pledge schemes is that you don't actually have to take the cash if nothing comes of the scheme - but it can give you a powerful bargining chip.
I cannot say I have any expertise of orgainsing a mass movement but would suggest ways of trying to reach out to the wider fan base could be:
1) Via Bullbuilders membership - web site
2) Via the press - given some of the other threads on the forum i say that slightly tounge in check - but it is a story afterall
3) My son says twitter but i thought that was something to so with the birds in the morning
4) Leaflet fans at the match
5) Call a mass meeting
6) Maybe the club would publisize it - you would have thought is was in their interest even if they would have to surrender a bit of control
Though I do remember the 1963 events too young to have taken part - but out of interest how many fans (some of whom I assume have minority shareholdings still in the club) actually stood up to be counted at the St Georges meeting?
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| Lets get a big campaign going. We need to use all social media. Press, local MPs, Galloway for gods sake. its the ultimate socialist ideal, ownership by the people for the people! Persuade big hotel or Georges to give up the space for free, for the cause. We would need a pasionate front man; an hour to hour, day to day media contact.
Must be a friendly printer amongst us to produce leaflets. We need to door drop Bradford, possibly on the back of someone elses ad campaign. If not our fans can step in. Posters in all the derelict buildings in Bradford and all other supporting shops, post offices, pubs caffs, labour and con clubs etc. We could even hold a mass meeting in Manningham park if we have the right PA system. Use the Bulls' website and social media contacts. Get Dynamo involved, he could magic up some interest!!!!!!!!!11
Loads to be done.