Quote Fax4Life="Fax4Life"Gives us Fax fans loads of pleasure as they rubbed our noses in it when we went down in 2003 and before when they were at the top of SL, oh how the mighty have fallen.
I must say I would not want to see no Bulls but when they were successful the Bulls blatantly poached fans from Calderdale and around Halifax with cheap and often free tickets, they did the same to Keighley and stole support from these areas to try get us out of their way to grow the Bulls brand at our expense.
This extended and still does to young players, they poach players from Halifax as Bradford is not as strong a RL area.
So take the medicine Bulls fans as you lived on money that you never had and are now paying the price, you will bounce back from this one day though but it will take time.'"
What an attitude, how can anyone who calls themselves fans of the game delight in the demise of a fellow RL club?
And all we have is your hearsay that the Bulls fans had that same viewpoint at the demise of the Blue Sox (bet you thank big Nige for that name every day).
Incidently we signed one of your players, not sure of his name but he was not a bad Player, Royston I think.
Pot calling kettle black come to mind?
for example were'nt your team shut out of the Shay on a training day recently..something about unpaid rent to Calderdale council. £66,000 wasn't it, and similar unpaid amounts before that?
And do you remember the Cup game where your club charged Bulls fans more than your supporters paid?
Very sporting that was?
Do you remember how big your crowds were at the time just before your financial meltdown in 2002/3. Could they match 13,500 (as it was at Valley Parade, which is not exactly near Calderdale, is it. Therefore having very little affect on your crowd figures)
Nevertheless thank you for your support, you ever so sad bitter person!