Quote Bullseye="Bullseye"Is it worth us getting our heads together to decide on some questions? I'm more than happy to ask a few. Are others?
Here's some I've come up with:
Questions for Chalmers
• After the worst season in over 50 years and relegation to the bottom tier of the game is there any reason for optimism?
• What contribution – financial or otherwise - does Graham Lowe make towards the running of the club
• Do you take a salary from club income?
• Why did you come halfway around the world to run this club?
• Who at the club is responsible for marketing?
• If in 2018 the first team is to be a mix of full time and part timer players what’s the estimated percentage split you are planning for?
• Is the club prepared to spend the money require to attract the best part time talent?
• Can you guarantee the club will continue to run a tier one academy that includes U16s and U19s teams while you are in charge?
• With regard to Odsal are you aware of any plans for the redevelopment of the stadium?
• Is the club likely to move home during the next 3 years?
• Successive regimes have failed to make ends meet resulting in administration and liquidation. What makes you think you will do any better?
• Why are club press releases full of spelling mistakes and grammatical errors?
• Do the club get income from food and drink sales in the ground? If so why are club bars allowed to run out of food and drink regularly?
• Why does the club not have an online shop?
• Why does the club not post its shop opening hours on its website?
Questions for Toovey if he’s there…
• Are you staying on has head coach in 2018?
• If some players are part time and others full time how will you ensure training is coordinated so that the team isn’t training with players missing?
• Will we using the dual registration system with a Super League club in 2018? If so who?
• How much will we be using the player loan system in 2018?
• In 2017 you didn’t know who was available one week to the next and performances suffered as a result. If we do use dual reg/loans how will you improve the integration of loan players and dual reg players into the squad to ensure the team plays with more harmony?
• This year the team has been bullied repeatedly on the field, particularly in the forwards. Can you confirm that you will be addressing this weakness in recruitment for 2018?'"
Good questions Bullseye. I know some people are racked off and i don't blame them. But now is the time to put your frustrations to the club. This will be the end of the Bulls, or the beginning of the rebuild. If we keep the hardcore fans on board and start winning a few games and maybe earn promotion, for the first time in about 10 years we will start moving forward as a club rather than rock bottom, to even more rock bottom. If we let them know our feelings then they have to act. If not it's the end of the club.
Mine are more requests than Questions. I can't make it but if someone fancies asking them
Can they be some sort of fan representation on the board[/u. Not the administrator from Bulls SG Facebook page. But maybe someone from Bullbuilder? I know they haven't been keen to to get involved in the past. But a member of them would be someone i would trust. They can put ideas forward for basic suggestions, like spelling media releases correctly, how to interact with the fans more. Put fans frustrations to the club. Check the accounts
[uThe media guy[/u I would suggest he will be at the forum yesterday and i would imagine he will be quite young, maybe i'm too soft but i wouldn't want to cause him huge embarrassment in front of hundreds of people. But yesterday on twitter was a farce with the referee almost been abused by the official twitter account. Bradford don't
earn a penalty every set and the opposition aren't
gifted a penalty every set. It needs changing. Seriously give to to a fan and they would happily do it for free i'm sure.
[uFan interaction[/u Doesn't have to be forums every month. But maybe at the beginning of the season, mid-way and at the end would do. I know others weren't a fan, but the fans focus group i personally thought was a great idea. It's a better way to get fans thoughts and frustrations across to the board.