Peter Hood - wtf gives you the right to claim you speak for "the fan base"? I for one am a fan and nothing you claim relates to me at all. Who appointed you?
And how ludicrous that a marketing push in the off-season makes the club "look desperate". I am trying to get my head around your point; so, we should NOT market, and just cross our fingers and hope, then we would look what - cool?
Does the barrage of billions of pounds of adverts on every TV channel make all those advertisers look "desperate"? Does it buggery, even when we know that undoubtedly to some degree many of them may well be. If you are in the business of sales, what the fsck do you expect them to do if not try their damndest to, er, sell?
And it is not rocket science to work out that times are hard when we run full-time in the Championship, and when there are HMRC winding up petitions floating about, but you have no access to actual current financial information so you don't actually know any specifics yet you try to pretend that you do.
Quote the fan baseThe stand off between the disillusioned supporter not buying a season ticket and club isn't just one way. It's fact that the Bradford Bulls' season memberships are one of the most expensive clubs in England to watch Rugby League.'"
i remember a previous management deciding to sell cheap season tickets. I can't remember how that ended up though - did we become the wealthiest club in the world?
Quote the fan baseUntil Mr Green can find a buyer we're on a downward spiral.'"
Wrong! We are throwing money at a second -and probably final in my view - attempt to regain a SL place. if it doesn't come off, again, then yes I would agree we would then be on a downward spiral, I posted as much last year that failing to go back up places clubs without a sugar daddy very quickly in an unsustainable place, the cash runs out, they go part time and the better players go, crowds and sales go down, and the gap between income and expenditure never seems to shrink - more economies lead to an equal or greater loss of more revenue. It ends in tears for a big club like ours. It doesn't end in tears for little clubs, which can operate at the lower levels on a wing and a prayer and never aspire to much, but it can't work for a big club like Bradford.
If we were to run out of cash this year, chasing the dream, that would be that, but it wouldn't be due to any spirals, rather, due to just pushing out the promotion boat unsustainably far. This year is much more like a hideously expensive mortgage, than any downward spiral.
Last, you quaintly refer to "finding a buyer", when you actually mean "Until we find a billionaire who has cash to burn and is prepared to pour millions of it down our particular hole". It would be great to have a sugar daddy, but financially, the books would look several factors worse than whatever they do now - it would just be that someone with very deep pockets was willing to underwrite huge losses.