Hmmmmm, so it wasn't you Eddie who posted this enormous pile of elephant poo then?
Who could it have been?
[i"Oh dear Jonesy.
Oh dear oh dear oh dear.
I've had some extremely interesting chats this evening with all four of the Bulls senior management team (including the chairman and his fellow directors). I can't begin to tell you how interesting - so I won't.
What I WILL share with you is that I am totally satisfied that this club is now perfectly secure financially, and that the progress made in recent weeks has been little short of astounding. And there is plenty more for the future.
I now have a much clearer understanding about the RFL's intervention. And, funnily enough, it transpires the press release contained far less spin than most people deemed it to have. In shock breaking news, it would appear it was actually largely factual. Yes Jonesy, there IS a tip of the iceberg involved - but its rather the opposite of what you are assuming. I'm going to have some fun at your expense in years to come with that post! Oh yes. Just you watch me!
Precarious position? Not any more, my friend. Duke Peter of Hood has pulled off the mother of all coups here. It takes a lot to astound me these days; but astounded I sure am. I must be, since I had a fair number of witnesses to my astonishment. So much has gone wrong for us for so long, that we were long overdue for a break. Well, seems we sure got that.
But don't let me keep you Jonesy. I'm sure you have to get back to composing a bit more negative waknerage for us to endure. But you know what? I'm going to be able to laugh in your face now when I read it! Not all at once; no rush. I'm happy to be patient. I'd rather have it dawn on you slowly just how wrong you have been - nice and slowly will do just fine!
btw, regarding your salary cap point: regular readers will know my views on the salary cap. And that IMO the words "Salary Cap" and "Wealthy Owner" are a classic oxymoron. One day I expect it will come out what has gone on, and folk will then realise how naïve they were. Until then, you just go on believing that the salary cap works. While you are at it, feel free to believe in Santa Claus and the Tooth Fairy as well. They are probably more plausible."