Quote fez1="fez1":758z7lazAblett set up Wardle.
Wardle was too stupid or wound up to recognise this.
It sort of backfired though as Hudds really dug in with 12.'"
Truth in three sentences (above).
Ablett didn't have to do anything, showed remarkable discipline, niggled (part of the game), got the reaction, hoped for a penalty but struck gold when Wardle displayed all the attributes of a Sunday pub team thug, his surprise at seeing the red card tells you everything about the Big Daft Lad theory - most of them haven't even read the rules.
Paul Andersons comments after the match also displayed the heritage of the BDL Club ...
[i:758z7laz“I’ve not looked at it but, if he’s punched him, he’s probably got what he deserves. I’m happy for him. It’s a real defining moment in Joe Wardle’s career.
“People go out and niggle and he’s stood up to it. I’m not happy with the sending-off but he’s grown up a bit today.”
This is a wonderful parable to pass on to parents wishing to send their children to their local amateur club to partake of a hobby that will get them running around a bit and teach them about fitness, teamwork, the ethos of winning and losing well - and the fact that if someone niggles you, your BDL coach will tell you that its a great thing to react as a thug, character defining, every time someone niggles you in real life you should hit them in the face as often as you can, yep, live life by the Paul Anderson code everyone for only by following this BDL code can we find the happiness that Anderson found yesterday, we need more of these dinosaurs in our game, no really.