Quote rhinoms="rhinoms"So he did well 5yrs ago and that makes him a "class act" now does it?
lets also get one thing straight that strong pack he played behind in 05 was reinforced by breaking the cap signing Morley.
Where did this "class act" go in 07,08,09 and more recently last year ?
Like i said the GF hide 'n' seek champ don't get so defensive Leon you USED to be decent but that's long gone.
Simmons would be a complete fool to drop Gaskell or Lomax for Mr "you ain't seen me ........right".'"
It's a fact that Morley took Bradford over the cap I don't dispute that. Anybody with a knowlege of Rugby League will tell you half backs and indeed all backs only have the chance to go well if your pack lays some kind of platform. Pure and simple Saints haven't in the last 4 finals in fact they were well and truly bruised up firstly by Leeds and then Wigan last year. If your talking about people not turning up in the last 4 Grand Finals then James Graham is your man for me.
Simmons would be daft to drop Gaskell or Lomax never once have I said anything contrary to that however he would have taken his place on the bench last week if not for a last minute illness. Lomax and Gaskell still remain inexperienced in the big games as is Wheeler so would personally have had Pryce on the bench.