Quote tttiger="tttiger"well they never mentioned miss piggy or kermit the frog ! but one looks like a porker and the other is green as grass. dont want to get the bloke who told me this into hot water so wont mention names - but good coaches,i was told of 6 including 2 now at fev , 2 at gateshed, 1 at wake who is indeed well respected in youth circles and 1 well known ex player, aswell some very handy young players have all gone elsewhere and they reckon more could follow due to shoddyness and unprofessional people.
I suppose every club must have these problems , but always thought cas was one of the best in this area.'"
You do appear to read like a former Castleford Tigers scholarship coach with an axe to grind, as a guy once told me it is not about the scholarship players you have, it is about those players all clubs sign at 16 wether on a scholarship or not.
For arguments sake have you considered that Castleford may be happy that those coaches left even by there own accord, and do you truly believe that it is Gatesheads gain and Castlefords loss, that tells me you know nothing or you are simply blowing up there ****
If you consider good coaches to be those amateur coaches that have left to be replaced by Lee crookes and James Ford that tells me then Castleford may just finally be getting it right.
Do you really believe that it truly inspires scholarship players lets say for instance from Castleford Panthers under 15s to be coached by the Stanley Rangers under 15 coach I think not, would a under player be more inspired that he was going to be coached by a former player of the stature of Lee crookes I think yes.
As for the well respected coach at Wakefield who the hell says that, he coached Normanton Under 16s can we have a dose of reality please.
I would suggest that if you have a problem as your post suggests Steven Gill will give you time to express your concerns but you wont do that will you, you will snipe away on this forum. GROW UP MAN you've left