Quote TURFEDOUT="TURFEDOUT"Wakefield - joke of a club,run like crap for years,lied to stay in super league,administration twice,play offs only once,only one cc cup semi final,full of average overseas players,crap ground and no prospect of a new one in the next 12 months!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thankfully Fax are in way better shape -- thats why they were awarded a super league license from 2012!!!!!
Oh hang on, no they werent awarded a license from 2012.
What exactly does that say about Fax???
Fax werent able to put together a plausible franchise application that would convince the licensing board that Fax were a better prospect for Super League than that "joke of a club" Wakefield.
Keep sucking them lemons!!'"
No lemons.
Remember, the RFL changed the administration rule on franchising to keep Crusaders in SL. RFL people worked at crusaders and didn't see their demise coming. Only someone pulling the plug Crusaders saved the RFL's blushes.
Wakey benefited from this and fair play. You would have been booted out had crusaders not folded. You know that. If you had been kicked out, Fax wouldn't have replaced you anyway, widnes would have so why would we have sour grapes?
Our problem is this, and it should be yours too, the whole mess that is licensing shows how big the RFL's balls are. Shows how they will bend rules to keep favoured clubs in, shows how the whole thing is subjective to how the RFL perceive how the make up of SL and the running of the sport should be.
If that doesn't concern you, and fans of super league clubs struggle to see it, then just wait until the RFL deem you as even more unfashionable. By then it will be too late!
Wakey have done well to stay in SL, them being in there gives clubs like ours hope, and I wish them well. But let's not pretend all is well with the sports administration. That is our problem
That and the fact the guy in charge of the whole sport gave us the nickname "Bluesox"