Quote The Lucky Black Cat="The Lucky Black Cat"Wakey fans
Your club has been run like crap for years. You have lied to stay in SL based on empty promises. You have NO chance of even getting close to making a final let alone winning a trophy. You wont be in a new stadium in the next 12 months or have a WC game. Yet you all believe Fax fans are bitter. Keep living in a dream world as cant wait for your little bubble to burst when you get kicked out of SL next time. 6 months down the line after the SL announcements Wakefield are still the shame embarrassment as they were in July. Thankfully Fax are in way better shape. Good luck in your season Wakey as you will need it with Agar and co who have such a great record
Wakefield - joke of a club,run like crap for years,lied to stay in super league,administration twice,play offs only once,only one cc cup semi final,full of average overseas players,crap ground and no prospect of a new one in the next 12 months!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thankfully Fax are in way better shape -- thats why they were awarded a super league license from 2012!!!!!
Oh hang on, no they werent awarded a license from 2012.
What exactly does that say about Fax???
Fax werent able to put together a plausible franchise application that would convince the licensing board that Fax were a better prospect for Super League than that "joke of a club" Wakefield.
Keep sucking them lemons!!