Quote Aleydita="Aleydita"@faxcar I just don't understand the reasoning. You're appearing to suggest that it's better to let Fax carry on not paying the rent because the alternative is worse. I'm not sure many non-Fax fans would agree.'"
The reasoning is simple.
Others have suggested that the reason for not playing is linked to not paying, hence the quote
Quote. "Fax are skint".
Others seem to take some satisfaction from anything that can be negatively said about Fax and really hope the are skint and do go bust.
Put the two together and the "Fax are skint" proves true, they go bust and that's the end.
Those who are happy about this are then left with just one club playing out of the Shay with the bigger shortfall I mentioned with the same problems as before and possibly a weaker position themselves.
Just one point would be for CMBC to consider is can they justify losing £250,000 and rising on a sports stadium that hosts one club with a following of say 1500 people when they are having to make cut backs in other important areas.
This Fax "Hate" number comes down to a couple of dozen people at best who claim the Shay is a community asset and that they speak for the rest of the population of Calderdale.
They don't want the truth they just want to see Fax fail in anyway possible.
The fact is no one on here or away from HLRLFC and CMBC actually knows the truth.
Another fact is HRLFC will have to pay the rent or they won't be playing there and with no ground they will be out of business.
How hard is that to reason out.
The question / concerns about this have been going on for months.
Once a question / concern has been raised, that must eventually be resolved, in this case (paying any rent due) what is the point of keep going over and over the same subject.
Again, sooner or later it will be resolved one way or the other, it will be paid or Fax will be out of business.