I love these quotes:-
Quote 2013 will also see more commercial income flow into Rugby League than at any time in its history and with a growing stable of sponsors and partners on board, the sport is approaching the new season with confidence.
Solly said: "2013 will also see more commercial income flow into Rugby League than at any time in its history and with a growing stable of sponsors and partners on board, the sport is approaching the new season with confidence.
"The salary cap and licensing have both brought the stability that is allowing many clubs to operate profitably and helping attract the new investors who are coming into Super League. However the ultimate responsibility for the performance of any club rests with the individual club and its directors."
Quote 2013 will also see more commercial income flow into Rugby League than at any time in its history and with a growing stable of sponsors and partners on board, the sport is approaching the new season with confidence.
A growing stable of sponsors? Maybe more in terms of numbers who do sponsor the game in some way I don't know on that one but one thing which smacks me in the face is a lack of a sponsor for the Championship and Super Dooper League!!!
That is the most public part of RL as it gets mentioned every week during the season on TV, on the internet, in the papers and on the radio yet it aint got a sponsor, how embarrassing Fat Controller ye man of Finance
The salary cap and licencing have brought stability and profitability to many clubs??? Really?
You could have fooled me, oh that's just it you do want to fool everybody with bullsh*t RFL well times up it aint working any more, not with those with half a brain anyway and aint brain washed like many SL fans.