Hi all!
I know there are some intelligent posters on here so wanted to see what you thought of this.
On Saturday morning I was working and was on the way to another job when I called in at McDonalds for a coffee to accompany my paper and cigarette before I left, I finished my cigarette outside of my vehicle and stumped it out onto the floor and got back into my vehicle.
Next minute some 18 stone bouncer lookalike stands next to my van and says.
"Do you know why I have come over to you?"
I said "Haven't the foggiest".
He said "He was working for the local council and under section 87 of the Envirnmental Protection Act 1990 you have committed an offence and I'm issuing you will a fixed penalty notice of £75".
I said "Pull the other one, where's your I.D" (He had plain clothes on)
He produced a piece of paper that looked like it was wrapped in cling film.
I said "That's fake, you have no uniform and your telling lies, go away" (A lot harsher words were said at the time)
He said "We can trace you from your registration number on the DVLA database and take you to court". Then wrote down my registration number. It is a company vehicle and I didn't want them getting wind of me being in bother otherwise I would have driven off.
I said "Where is the cig butt?"
He looked around and couldn't find it, I got out of the vehicle and found one so picked it up and put in the vehicle.
I said "There you go, it must have fallen out of my pocket by mistake"
Then I rang my mate who is in the CID for that area and he instructed me that I didn't have to give my name as it is a civil matter and not a criminal matter, I only have to give my details to the Police when asked.
The bouncer/warden then rang the Police who then showed up, as soon as they did I thought I may have him as a fake due to his lack of uniform and amateur I.D.
The Police came and instantly took his side and asked me who I was, what I was doing there, where I'm from and did a search on my name to see if I wanted for anything (never done anything to get into trouble and have no criminal record or had any dealing with the Police).
Then the Police made me give him my details and was issued a fixed penalty notice for £75, reduced to £50 if I pay within 10 days. Even though he got his way I made sure I took up as much of his time and made it as awkward as possible for him.
All in all what do you think I should do? What are your thoughts?
I think it's a case of 'secret police' preying on the average Joe to make money?